Rice Bowls Mission Project Broderick Gymnastics

Broderick Gymnastics / Rice Bowl Mission Project

Help Broderick Gymnastics feed orphaned children around the world!
  • $153


  • $1,000


  • 5


Recent Transactions

About Rice Bowls Mission Project Broderick Gymnastics

This year, Broderick Gymnastics has decided to take part in the Rice Bowls Mission Project. This project helps to provide food to orphaned children around the world. Gymnasts can help with collections by picking up a rice bowl from either office location. Siblings are welcome to participate too! Rice bowls are available for pickup on a first come, first serve basis until supplies run out. We are hoping to fill a total of 200 rice bowls through the months of October and November! 

All Rice bowls will be due back to Broderick Gymnastics by December 1st for our smashing event... where we will break open our bowls and reveal how much we have raised in total! Friends and family are welcome to help by donating online! Every bit counts!